

Step 1: Generate script from

Enter recipient wallet address to generate script. Example:

<script src=",arbitrum,optimism,bsc&token=usdt,usdc,dai"></script>

Step 2: Insert generated script into your website, inside <body> tag

Step 3: Execute function onepay() when you want to initiate a payment

Excute in Javascript:

            onepay(0.05, 'usdt', 'this is payment note')
                amount: Number, // payment value
                token: String,  // token name: usdt, usdc, dai
                note: String  // (optional) you can note anything that can help you identify the buyer and the product

Or directly in the button:

            <button onclick="onepay(0.1, 'usdt', 'note anything here')">Pay</button>

Try demo on JSFiddle:


You can declare function onepaySuccess() and onepayFail() to handle payment callbacks

            // onepaySuccess will be executed when payment successful
            const onepaySuccess = (PaymentResponse) => {
              // console.log(PaymentResponse)
              // example: {hash: 'Ox1ab...', success: true, network: 'arbitrum', amount: 1, token: 'usdt' note: 'product_2|user_1'}
              // (optional)
              // here you can send PaymentResponse to your server
              // then use API Re-check Transaction of 1PAY to verify payment
              // this will improve the security of the payment process

            // onepayFail will be executed when payment failed
            const onepayFail = (PaymentResponse) => {
              // console.log(PaymentResponse)
              // example: {hash: undefined, success: false, network: 'bsc', amount: 2, token: 'usdc', note: 'buyer_email|[email protected]'}

Payment Response

Data structure of PaymentResponse

        PaymentResponse : {
          hash: String,     // transaction hash, maybe undefined if payment failed
          success: Boolean, // true if payment success, otherwise false
          network: String,  // blockchain name
          amount: Number,   // transaction value
          token: String,    // token name
          note: String      // transaction note,
          paymentTime: Date // the date time this payment is processed

Full Example

            <button onclick="onepay(0.1, 'usdt', 'Demo onepay')">Pay 0.1 USDT</button>
            <script src=",arbitrum,optimism,bsc&token=usdt,usdc,dai"></script>
              const onepaySuccess = (PaymentResponse) => {
                // (optional)
                // here you can send PaymentResponse to your server
                // then use API Re-check Transaction of 1PAY to verify payment
                // this will improve the security of the payment process

Try demo on JSFiddle:

Mobile SDK

Easily to integrate 1PAY with SDK for iOS and Android.


View on Github

Android SDK

View on Github

Manual Integration

1PAY can be integrated into any application/software platform as long as it supports WebView.


Step 1: Create a WebView that opens 1PAY url with the following format:{recipient_wallet_address}&network={supported_network}&token={supported_token}&paymentAmount={payment_value}&paymentToken={payment_token}&paymentNote={payment_note}


Step 2: Handle callbacks

In case of successful payment, the WebView url will be changed to:{transaction_hash}&network={blockchain_network}&amount={payment_value}&token={payment_token}&note={payment_note}

Note: The parameters on the url are the return data of payment.

In case of failed payment, the WebView url will be changed to:{blockchain_network}&amount={payment_value}&token={payment_token}&note={payment_note}

Note: The parameters on the url are the return data of payment.

So you need to catch the webview url changed event to handle the payment status & data, please see the examples below for each application platform.

iOS Example

Writen in Swift and uses WKWebView

View on Github

Android Example

Writen in Kotlin and uses Android WebView

View on Github

ElectronJS Example

Writen in Javascript and HTML

View on Github

WinForms C# Example

Writen in C# and uses WinForms WebView2

View on Github

Python Example

Writen in Python and uses pywebview

View on Github


API Re-check Transaction

Use this API to re-check a transaction. This step can improve the security of the payment process



Response in case re-check transaction successfully. Status code: 200

                "success": true,
                "data": {
                    "_id": "655329f56be62bec34eb913b",
                    "hash": "0x8bfdae41cf1ca7b9cb514eae273759a36547e400f2797304effc509c7fb2a4e7",
                    "network": "arbitrum",
                    "amount": 0.1, // Amount in usdt
                    "blockNumber": 150186511, // The number of the block that validated this transaction on the blockchain
                    "note": "demo note",
                    "onePayFee": 0.001,
                    "paymentTime": "2023-11-14T02:34:46.000Z", // the time  transaction was confirmed successfully on blockchain
                    "recipient": "0xa0df561dd599d210f83c36ffdfaf7112dadade30",
                    "sender": "0x587df3e27550a792c31bd319881754a68741f1b3",
                    "status": 1, // 1 - Transaction executed successfully on blockchain
                                 // 0 - Transaction executed failed on blockchain
                    "token": "usdt",
                    "createdAt": "2023-11-14T08:04:05.360Z", // 1Pay's internal tracking time
                    "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T08:04:05.360Z" // 1Pay's internal tracking time

Response in case transaction not found. Status code: 404

              "success": false,
              "message": "Transaction not found."

API Report

Get report of a recipient address.



Response in case successfully. Status code: 200

                "success": true,
                "data": {
                    "items": [
                            "_id": "65532c876be62bec34eb92ff",
                            "hash": "0xe8a2ea73a59df41d95d297b61bd7fe10494b684fc9297cddee90d830b030c793",
                            "network": "bsc",
                            "amount": 0.1, // Amount in usdt
                            "blockNumber": 33331386, // The number of the block that validated this transaction on the blockchain
                            "note": "test note",
                            "onePayFee": 0.001,
                            "paymentTime": "2023-11-09T03:23:22.000Z", // the time  transaction was confirmed successfully on blockchain
                            "recipient": "0xa0df561dd599d210f83c36ffdfaf7112dadade30",
                            "sender": "0x26634ab74242af10e858fd9d24b795fb1f1bf92b",
                            "status": 1,
                            "token": "usdt",
                            "createdAt": "2023-11-14T08:15:03.982Z", // 1Pay's internal tracking time
                            "updatedAt": "2023-11-24T03:21:28.059Z" // 1Pay's internal tracking time
                            "_id": "655329f56be62bec34eb913b",
                            "hash": "0x8bfdae41cf1ca7b9cb514eae273759a36547e400f2797304effc509c7fb2a4e7",
                            "network": "arbitrum",
                            "amount": 0.1,
                            "blockNumber": 150186511,
                            "note": "demo note",
                            "onePayFee": 0.001,
                            "paymentTime": "2023-11-14T02:34:46.000Z",
                            "recipient": "0xa0df561dd599d210f83c36ffdfaf7112dadade30",
                            "sender": "0x587df3e27550a792c31bd319881754a68741f1b3",
                            "status": 1,
                            "token": "usdt",
                            "createdAt": "2023-11-14T08:04:05.360Z",
                            "updatedAt": "2023-11-24T03:21:28.059Z"
                    "totalItems": 2

Response in case no transaction are found. Status code: 200

                "success": true,
                "data": {
                    "items": [],
                    "totalItems": 0

Response in case invalid input. Status code: 400

                "success": false,
                "message": "sender is not allowed"